The transition from foster care to adulthood is challenging. Many former foster youth face significant obstacles, such as housing instability, unemployment, and a lack of supportive relationships.

The Monkey & The Elephant, a non-profit café in Brewerytown, Philadelphia, is dedicated to addressing these challenges by providing former foster youth with the tools they need to succeed personally and professionally.

Transforming Lives: A Holistic Approach to Empowerment

The Monkey & The Elephant goes beyond the traditional role of a café. It operates as a safe and supportive space where former foster youth can gain meaningful work experience, develop life skills, and build a supportive community. The program is designed to meet participants where they are, offering them personalized support that extends far beyond the workplace.

At the core of The Monkey & The Elephant’s program is the belief that meaningful employment is a crucial step toward independence. Participants are employed at the café and receive hands-on training in all aspects of café operations, from customer service and food preparation to business management. This experience not only equips them with valuable job skills but also helps them build confidence and a sense of responsibility.

Looking Ahead

The Monkey & The Elephant is committed to expanding its reach and impact in the coming years. With plans to increase the number of program participants and explore new initiatives, the organization is poised to support even more former foster youth on their journey to independence.

Get Involved

You can support The Monkey & The Elephant’s mission by visiting the café, using its catering services for your events, volunteering, or donating. Your support helps create a brighter future for former foster youth in Philadelphia and beyond. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit The Monkey & The Elephant.